package joptsimple.util;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import joptsimple.ValueConversionException;
import joptsimple.ValueConverter;

 * Converts command line options to {@link Path} objects and checks the status of the underlying file.
public class PathConverter implements ValueConverter<Path> {
    private final PathProperties[] pathProperties;

    public PathConverter( PathProperties... pathProperties ) {
        this.pathProperties = pathProperties;

    public Path convert( String value ) {
        Path path = Paths.get( value );

        if ( pathProperties != null ) {
            for ( PathProperties each : pathProperties ) {
                if ( !each.accept( path ) )
                    throw new ValueConversionException( message( each.getMessageKey(), path.toString() ) );

        return path;

    public Class<Path> valueType() {
        return Path.class;

    public String valuePattern() {
        return null;

    private String message( String errorKey, String value ) {
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( "joptsimple.ExceptionMessages" );
        Object[] arguments = new Object[] { value, valuePattern() };
        String template = bundle.getString( PathConverter.class.getName() + "." + errorKey + ".message" );
        return new MessageFormat( template ).format( arguments );